Skin Care Routines

Skin Routines By Skin Type

Everybody's skin type is slightly different. Each of us has our own individual areas to focus on. That's why at Bio-Pacific we have created our own skin care routines, so that you can find the perfect product range to improve your skin. The skin thrives on the goodness of nature, without the need for unnecessary chemical and synthetics. The active natural ingredients work in synergy with human skin.

Check out below our skincare routines for each skin type. Each link has four skin care routines to choose from. They start from the very basic "keeping it simple" Starter Routine to the "I want it all" Power Routine...  you choose the one that suits you best!


Choose Products For Damaged or Scarred Skin

Choose Products For Normal or Combination Skin

Choose Products For Oily or Congested Skin

Choose Products For Red or Flushed Skin

Choose Products For Sun-Damaged or Ageing Skin

Choosing Products For Pigmented Skin Or Uneven Skin Tone

Choose Products For Dry Skin

Choose Products For Acne


Not sure what skin type you are or what products are best suited to fix your skin problems?

Get in contact and speak to a professional.